World’s 20 Most Expensive Cities  in 2024


10. Chicago (USA)

Chicago, Illinois, offers a fairly moderate cost of living compared to other major U.S. megalopolises. covering is a significant expenditure, with median home prices around$ 350,000 and rents for a one- bedroom apartment comprising$ 1,800 per month. mileage, groceries, and transportation costs are reasonable, though time- eschewal heating bills can add up. Dining out and entertainment are different and can range from affordable to upscale. Despite some high costs, Chicago’s strong job request in finance, tech, and manufacturing, coupled with its rich artistic scene and vibrant neighborhoods, make it an seductive megacity for numerous, balancing costs with life benefits.

11. San Diego (USA)

 San Diego is a desirable littoral megacity with a high cost of living. covering is the largest expenditure, with median home prices around$ 900,000 and average rents exceeding$ 2,800 per month. mileage, groceries, and transportation costs are also above the public normal. Dining out, entertainment, and healthcare can add up snappily. still, residers enjoy a strong job request, particularly in tech, defense, and tourism, as well as excellent downfall and out- of- door exertion. While living charges are steep, numerous discovery San Diego’s life, beautiful decor , and mild climate worth the investment.

12. Canberra (Australia)

 Canberra, Australia’s capital, offers a high quality of life but comes with moderate to high living charges. covering is a significant cost, with the median house price around AUD 900,000 and rents comprising AUD 600 per week. Groceries and mileage are advanced compared to other Australian megalopolises, while healthcare and public transportation remain affordable. Dining out and rest exertion can be precious, but Canberra’s excellent structure, clean terrain, and propinquity to nature make up for it. The megacity also has a strong job request, particularly in government, education, and exploration, attracting professionals despite the advanced costs.

13 London (UK)

 London is a vibrant global megacity, but it comes with high living charges. covering is the largest cost, with average rents for a one- bedroom apartment exceeding£ 1,800 per month, especially in central areas. Groceries, mileage, and transportation are also precious, with the Tube and motorcars adding up. Dining out, entertainment, and healthcare can further raise costs. Despite this, London offers a strong job request, particularly in finance, tech, and the creative assiduity, and access to world- class culture, education, and amenities. numerous find the megacity’s openings and life worth the steep living costs.

14. Portland (USA)

 Portland, Oregon, is known for its miscellaneous culture and natural beauty, but living charges can be fairly high. covering is the biggest cost, with median home prices around$ 550,000 and rents comprising$ 1,800 per month for a one- bedroom apartment. mileage, groceries, and transportation are generally on par with the public normal, though dining out and rest exertion can be precious. The megacity’s bike-friendly structure and public transport help reduce switching costs. While the cost of living is rising, numerous residers appreciate Portland’s job openings in tech, healthcare, and creative assiduity, as well as its eschewal- of- door life and sustainable living focus.

15. Oslo (Norway)

 Oslo, Norway’s capital, is a ultramodern megacity with a high cost of living. covering is the largest expenditure, with average rents for a one- bedroom apartment around NOK 15,000 per month. Groceries, dining out, and mileage are also precious compared to other European megalopolises. Public transportation is effective but adds to yearly costs, still numerous conclude for biking or walking. Despite high charges, Oslo offers a strong job request, especially in tech, energy, and finance, along with excellent public services like healthcare and education. The megacity’s quality of life, clean terrain, and access to nature make it appealing despite the costs.

16. Tampa (USA)

Tampa,  Housing is the primary expense, with median home prices around $400,000 and average rents for a one-bedroom apartment around $1,700 per month. Utilities and groceries are reasonably priced, while transportation costs can vary depending on commuting needs. Dining, entertainment, and healthcare are generally affordable, making it attractive for families and professionals. 

17. Miami (USA)

Miami is a dynamic city with a relatively high cost of living, especially in terms of housing. The median home price is around $600,000, while rents for a one-bedroom apartment typically exceed $2,000 per month. Utilities, groceries, and transportation costs are also higher than the national average, with additional expenses for dining out and entertainment due to Miami’s vibrant lifestyle. Many are drawn to Miami’s sunny weather, diverse culture, and thriving nightlife, finding the cost of living worthwhile for the lifestyle it provides.

18. Singapore (Singapore)

Singapore is known for its high cost of living, particularly in housing, with rents for a one-bedroom apartment in central areas averaging SGD 3,500 per month. Groceries, utilities, and transportation are also relatively expensive, though public transport is efficient and widely used. Dining out can vary from affordable hawker centers to upscale restaurants. Healthcare and education costs are significant, particularly for expats. However, Singapore offers a high quality of life, a strong job market in finance, tech, and trade, and excellent infrastructure. Many find the city’s cleanliness, safety, and modern amenities worth the higher living expenses.

19. Denver (USA)

Denver, Colorado, offers a high quality of life, but living expenses are on the rise. Housing is the biggest cost, with median home prices around $600,000 and average rent for a one-bedroom apartment near $2,000 per month. Dining out and entertainment can also be expensive, especially in the city’s growing food and craft beer scene. However, Denver’s strong job market, particularly in tech, healthcare, and outdoor industries, attracts many professionals. The city’s proximity to nature and recreational activities adds appeal despite the rising living costs.

20. Adelaide (Australia)

Adelaide, Housing is notably more budget-friendly, with median home prices around AUD 550,000 and rents for a one-bedroom apartment averaging AUD 1,400 per month. Groceries, utilities, and transportation costs are moderate, providing a balanced lifestyle without breaking the bank. Dining out and entertainment options are diverse and reasonably priced. Adelaide’s growing job market, particularly in healthcare, education, and manufacturing, complements its high quality of life. The city’s relaxed atmosphere, cultural events, and proximity to beautiful wine regions make it an attractive place to live.
