World’s 20 Most Expensive Cities  in 2024


8. Seattle (USA)

 Seattle, Washington, is known for its high living charges, especially in covering. Median home prices are around$ 850,000, and rents for a one- bedroom apartment average$ 2,300 per month. mileage, groceries, and transportation are also fairly precious. Dining out and entertainment can be precious, reflecting the megacity’s vibrant food and artistic scene. Despite these high costs, Seattle offers a strong job request, particularly in tech, aerospace, and healthcare. The megacity’s beautiful natural surroundings, mild climate, and different neighborhoods make it an seductive place to live, still numerous residers find the high cost of living a significant consideration.

9. Los Angeles (USA)

 Los Angeles, California, is famed for its high cost of living, with containing being the most significant expenditure. Median home prices hang around$ 800,000, and rents for a one- bedroom apartment generally exceed$ 2,500 per month. mileage, groceries, and transportation costs are also elevated, with gasoline and public vehicle adding to the expenditure. Dining out and entertainment can be precious due to the megacity’s vibrant artistic scene. Despite these high costs, LA offers a strong job request, particularly in entertainment, tech, and transnational trade. The megacity’s different life, favorable climate, and multitudinous lodestones make it a sought- after position despite the steep living charges.
