World’s 20 Most Expensive Cities  in 2024


2. Zurich (Switzerland)

 Zurich is one of the most precious cities in the world, with high costs driven by its status as a global fiscal mecca. Rent in the megacity center can fluently exceed CHF 3,500 per month, and everyday charges similar as groceries, dining, and transportation are significantly advanced than in utmost European metropolises. A mess in an average eatery can bring around CHF 25- 40, and public transport passes are around CHF 80 yearly. still, Zurich offers high stipend and excellent quality of life, balancing the steep cost of living for numerous residers.

3. New York City (USA)

 New York City is one of the most precious cities  in the world, with high costs driven by casing, transportation, and everyday living charges. Rent for a one- bedroom apartment in Manhattan can fluently exceed$ 4,000 per month, while dining out pars$ 20- 40 per mess. Groceries and serviceability are also above the public normal, adding to the fiscal burden. Public transportation is fairly affordable at$ 127 for a yearly pass, but overall, living in NYC remains expensive due to high demand, limited space, and affectation. Despite this, the megacity offers high- paying jobs and artistic lodestones .
