World’s 20 Most Expensive Cities  in 2024


In 2024, the global geography of precious  cities continues to be shaped by a complex array of factors, making certain civic areas excessively expensive to live in. A combination of soaring real estate requests, inflationary pressures, life demands, and profitable openings has pushed these metropolises to the top of the list for cost of living, especially for deportees and transnational workers. The ranking of these metropolises reflects not only the vacuity of luxury casing but also high consumer goods prices, transportation, education, and entertainment costs.

  1. Geneva (Switzerland)

 Geneva is one of the world’s most precious cities,with high costs in casing, food, and services. Rent for a one- bedroom apartment in the megacity center can exceed CHF 3,000 per month, and dining out frequently costs CHF 30- 40 per mess. Groceries are also specially more precious compared to other European metropolises, adding to diurnal living charges. Despite this, Geneva’s high hires, particularly in finance and transnational associations, make it seductive to deportees, incompletely negativing the steep cost of living.
