Disaster in Focus : 10 Remarkable Photographs of Natural disaster.


5. Tornadoes

Tornado, also called williwaw, is an extremely important and destructive natural disaster. It’s a rotating column of air that’s attached to the ground and emerges from storm shadows. Tornadoes arise suddenly and spread extremely fast, destroying everything in their path. Tornadoes are formed when currents of warm and cold air collide with each other. This collision creates insecurity in the air, which creates a deep column of air rotating at high speed. When this column connections the ground, a williwaw is formed. The speed of a williwaw is extremely fast, which can be 300 kilometers per hour or indeed more.

The biggest impact of tornadoes is on mortal life and property. They do suddenly and without warning, giving people no chance to escape. Homes, structures, and other structures in the path of the williwaw are damaged or fully destroyed
