Disaster in Focus : 10 Remarkable Photographs of Natural disaster.


1. Earthquakes

Earthquakes are caused by the movement of monumental plates beneath the face of the earth. When these plates shift, the energy stored in them is suddenly released, which is felt on the face of the earth in the form of strong temblors. These temblors last from a many seconds to a many twinkles, and their effect is ruinous. The damage caused by earthquakes is n’t only physical but also social and cerebral.

In countries like Japan, the threat of disaster is always there. also there are the Himalayan regions of India, the north- eastern countries are largely earthquake prone areas. Disaster operation preparedness is veritably essential to help earthquakes and reduce the losses. For illustration, people are tutored to take a safe place during an earthquake, similar as hiding under a strong table, or try to move to an open space.

Earthquake is a natural disaster that can not be fully averted, but its impact can be reduced through proper medication and alert.
