Disaster in Focus : 10 Remarkable Photographs of Natural disaster.



9. Avalanche

Avalanche is a serious natural disaster that occurs mainly in mountainous regions. It occurs when heavy snow layers or snow piles suddenly collapse and start flowing rapidly down the slopes. This process of avalanche not only endangers human life, but also has a serious impact on the environment and infrastructure.

The main causes of avalanches include instability of snow layers, excessive snowfall, and strong winds. When the snow layers in the mountain area become extremely thick and the layers beneath them become weak, these layers can collapse due to sudden shock or pressure.The effects of avalanches are extremely devastating. When masses of snow flow down slopes, they destroy whatever comes in their way. People, vehicles, and property can be completely destroyed by being buried under heavy masses of snow. This can be especially dangerous for people traveling in mountainous regions, mountaineers, and skiers, as these areas are more prone to avalanches.                 

Proper preparation and precautions are essential to avoid avalanches. Snow cover monitoring, restrictions on construction on snow slopes, and snow stabilization measures should be adopted to reduce the risk of avalanches in mountainous regions.Emergency relief operations should be initiated timely by government agencies and rescue teams, and necessary steps should be taken to evacuate affected people to safer places and provide medical assistance.
